The Supporting Artists

We have carefully researched and curated some of the coolest craftsmen and women in the region to help support our vision of creating an unique environment, and a one-of-kind destination place for people visiting and living in cottage country.


We are tickled green to announce our collaboration with the Live Edge Forest.


Live Edge Forest is an award-winning artistic duo who work exclusively with fallen trees and ancient timbers drawn from the depths of the Muskoka lakes. Dan and Candice specialize in crafting live edge river tables and love working with clients to create functional artworks and furniture pieces that tell a story all their own. Their most recent specialty is live edge and stone wall art which incorporates stones collected on their cross Canada travels- something you just have to see to fathom. Inspired by wild landscapes they utilize natural elements in their works with hopes to reignite the intrinsic connection between humans and nature bringing the outdoors in, in innovative ways.


We are thrilled to offer a few selected pieces to our gallery from our @herewithcolinandjustin community, Rock Paper Scissors of Muskoka.

With a passion for coming up with unique and outside-the-box ideas, while also experimenting with new processes and technique, you’re always in great hands with this creative and talented duo. Explore their Carpentry Portfolio to learn more about their skill and style, see some of the projects they’ve done, who they’ve worked with, and what they could do for you. Check out Kelly & Andy's woodworking classes, their selfless community work and their volunteer building projects that take them around the world.

Want to see more? Then explore their site and get in touch.

Frankstein Tables

Live edge slab with river epoxy benches, floating staircases, wine racks, barn doors, countertops, and tables of all sizes. Consultations, custom orders, and delivery available by craftsman, Robert Kane.

Metal Art Sculptures

There’s nothing more iconic to cottage country than the windswept pine with its roots clinging to granite. Mixed media artist, Cathy Mark captures the magical feeling in these stunning one-of-kind pieces.

Wicked Structures

Recycled and reclaimed timber transformed into beautiful benches resting on steel legs. These are the perfect addition to your lake home’s entryway, front porch, dock or fire pit. Created by craftsman, Chaddwick Brown.